This Valentine's, we're celebrating Black x South Asian love with our #ChaiandChocolate conversations.
If you've been looking for an opportunity to get involved, now is your chance. We're asking couples and individuals to send us video responses answering prompts, which will be woven into a more extensive video for Valentine's.
What is your first memory of your significant other?
What is your fondest/favorite memory?
What qualities attract you to your partner/do you admire?
What preserves your love?
Tell us about any traditions you have created as part of your relationship.
Individual clips should be up to 1min 30 seconds long and submitted by: January 31st
Anjali Gowda-Ferguson recalls her first memory meeting her now-husband Justin, as part of our Valentine's campaign #ChaiandChocolate
Please DM us with any questions or comments or email BlindianProject2020@gmail.com